关于「 quant」的内容列表

CryptoQuant research director: Traders may open new long positions ahead of the White House crypto summit

CryptoQuant research director Julio Moreno said on the X platform that there has been a significant change in trader behavior since Trump announced the Strategic Crypto Reserve. Position squaring short positions: Traders are covering short positions to reduce bearish risk. Profit-taking: After an initial price increase, some traders choose to exit the market at a profit. Open long positions: Some traders may open new long positions ahead of the White House crypto summit.

2025-03-07 03:49:35

CryptoQuant研究主管Julio Moreno在X平台表示,自特朗普宣布战略加密储备计划以来,交易者行为发生显著变化: 平仓空头头寸:交易者纷纷回补空头,减少看跌风险。 获利了结:在初期价格上涨后,部分交易者选择获利离场。 开立多头头寸:部分交易者可能为白宫加密峰会提前布局,开立新的多头头寸。

2025-03-07 03:49:35
CryptoQuant CEO:美国市场情绪改善前比特币或持续低迷

CryptoQuant CEO Ki Young Ju 在社交媒体发文称,在美国市场情绪改善前,比特币市场可能将继续保持低迷状态。他指出,目前链上活动并无显著变化,关键指标保持中性,这表明牛市周期仍然完好。基本面依然强劲,更多矿机正在上线。

2025-03-04 17:00:53
CryptoQuant CEO: Bitcoin's current rise is being driven by whales on Coinbase

CryptoQuant founder and CEO Ki Young Ju posted on the X platform that Bitcoin's current rise is being driven by the whales on the crypto exchange Coinbase. He backed up his comments with the Bitcoin Coinbase Premium Index chart, which tracks the price difference between Coinbase and BTC prices on Binance.

2025-03-03 08:00:22
CryptoQuant CEO:比特币目前的上涨是由Coinbase上的鲸鱼推动的

CryptoQuant创始人兼首席执行官Ki Young Ju在X平台发文称,比特币目前的上涨是由加密交易所Coinbase上的鲸鱼推动的。他用比特币Coinbase溢价指数图表支持他的评论,该指数追踪Coinbase和币安上BTC价格之间的价格差异。

2025-03-03 08:00:22
CryptoQuant CEO:以太坊出现内部问题,团队或已不再信任领导层

CryptoQuant创始人兼首席执行官Ki Young Ju在X平台转发Vitalik Buterin声称“以太坊需要大量年轻血液”的推文,他表示以太坊正面临风险: 以太坊的领导层不尊重团队,团队或也不信任领导层。 熟练的开发人员正在其他地方进行开发。 以太坊的领导者想要退出,但又没有明确的继任者。 Vitalik Buterin的言辞中漏出了以太坊存在内部问题。

2025-03-02 18:28:51

CryptoQuant分析师发布文章称,近期加密市场持续低迷,比特币及其他主要资产需求减弱。数据显示,币安(Binance)稳定币储备(尤其是USDT和USDC)的持续下降是导致这一趋势的关键原因。稳定币作为市场流动性的主要来源,其储备减少直接影响加密货币的购买力和市场活跃度。 自2025年...

2025-03-01 06:37:43
CryptoQuant CEO: Bitcoin bull market is not over, attention should be paid to future funding sources

According to CryptoQuant CEO Ki Young Ju, Bitcoin spot trading volume is highly active around $100,000, the current market is in the distribution stage, and the price movement depends on whether the new liquidity is exhausted. He stressed that the bull market in Bitcoin is not over yet, but the market may see a 30% correction, and if the price falls below $75,000, it will affect its bullish judgment. The key issue is the source of funds in the future, and without new liquidity, Bitcoin may face ...

2025-02-28 14:53:38
CryptoQuant CEO:比特币牛市未结束,应关注未来资金来源

据CryptoQuant CEO Ki Young Ju分析,比特币现货交易量在10万美元附近高度活跃,当前市场处于分配阶段,价格走势取决于新流动性是否枯竭。 他强调,比特币牛市尚未结束,但市场可能出现30%回调,如果价格跌破75,000美元,将影响其看涨判断。关键问题在于未来的资金来源,若无新增流动性,比特币或面临更长时间的调整。

2025-02-28 14:53:38
CryptoQuant CEO: Bitcoin chain indicators show that it is currently at the dividing line between bulls and bears

On February 27th, CryptoQuant CEO Ki Young Ju posted on social media that the Bitcoin on-chain indicator shows that it is currently at the critical point of a bull market and a bear market. I expected this to be the longest bull market in history, but I could also be wrong. We need to wait at least another month for data to confirm whether it is entering a bear market. If...

2025-02-27 21:07:36
CryptoQuant CEO:比特币链上指标显示目前已处于牛熊分界线


2025-02-27 21:07:36
CryptoQuant CEO:比特币牛市周期中出现30%回调很常见

CryptoQuant 首席执行官 Ki Young Ju 在社交媒体发文表示,“如果你现在在恐慌性卖出,那你可能是新手。在比特币牛市周期中,30% 的回调是很常见的:2021 年比特币曾跌幅达到 53%,但仍然恢复并创下历史新高。”

2025-02-27 09:08:02
CryptoQuant CEO: Coinbase Whale is Driving BTC Price

On February 26, Ki Young Ju, co-founder and CEO of CryptoQuant, revealed in a post on the X platform that the Coinbase whale is driving the bitcoin price trend. The dominance of spot trading volume has increased by 30% in 7 days, and the bitcoin Coinbase premium is negative.

2025-02-26 18:14:18
CryptoQuant CEO:Coinbase鲸鱼正推动BTC价格走势

2月26日消息,CryptoQuant联合创始人兼首席执行官Ki Young Ju在X平台发文披露,Coinbase巨鲸正在推动比特币价格走势,现货交易量主导地位在7天内增长了30%,比特币Coinbase溢价呈现负值。

2025-02-26 18:14:18
CryptoQuant: 26,430 BTC flowed into whale accumulation addresses during market decline

CryptoQuant disclosure data shows that whales are buying during market downturns, with 26,430 BTC flowing into whale accumulation addresses, typically associated with over the counter and long-term custody.

2025-02-25 19:48:59